Executive Vice President
Life at ADVI Health:
Michael leads ADVI’s device and diagnostics business lines, focusing specifically on coding, payment, and coverage strategies for physicians, hospitals, and other health care professionals.
Life Pre-ADVI Health:
Michael worked at the American Medical Association (AMA) for the Relative Value Update Committee (RUC) on issues related to valuation of services and procedures on the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and as director of the CPT Editorial Panel process. Before the AMA, Michael worked for the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center doing survey research.
Life Beyond ADVI Health:
Avid reader, compulsive exercise fanatic, and beer drinker. Combines those three by going for long bike rides along Lake Michigan, and then stopping to read a book and have a beer.
Full Bio
Michael spent 14 years at the AMA; his most recent position was Director of Current Procedural Terminology (CPT). He was a central participant in AMA advocacy efforts involving public and private coverage, coding and reimbursement issues; including provider class action litigation, CMS physician payment negotiations, and local coverage determinations. Previously, he was a Senior Social Scientist in Physician Payment Systems where he was primary staff to the AMA/Specialty Society RVS Update Committee (RUC).
He has a BA from Penn State University and an MA from Boston University, both in Political Science.
Insights by Michael Beebe, MA
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Michael Beebe, MA
Executive Vice President
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